Tone Generator Hz App Online

Frequency (Hz):

Wave Sound:

The Tone Generator App is a tool that helps you to produce custom audio tones. Enter or Change your desired frequencies numerical values in Hertz. Personalize the audio sound of tones by choosing a different waveform shape: sine, square, triangle, or sawtooth.


  • Frequency Input: Users can input the desired frequency (in Hertz) of the tone they want to generate.
  • Waveform Selection: Users can choose from four different waveform types: sine, square, triangle, or sawtooth.
  • Volume Control: A volume slider allows users to adjust the volume of the generated tone.
  • Play and Stop Buttons: Users can start and stop the tone generation using the "Play" and "Stop" buttons, respectively.

The Tone Generator app provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for generating custom audio tones, making it suitable for various purposes such as testing audio equipment, creating musical effects, or educational demonstrations.