Build games with JavaScript libraries and frameworks

JavaScript libraries and frameworks that can be used to build games for the web. These libraries provide tools, APIs, and game development features that make it easier to create interactive and engaging games. Here are a few popular ones:

  1. Phaser: Phaser is a fast and flexible 2D game framework that's great for creating both mobile and desktop games. It provides a rich set of features including physics, input handling, animations, and more. Phaser has a large community and extensive documentation.


  2. Three.js: Three.js is a popular library for creating 3D graphics and games in the browser. It abstracts away much of the complexity of WebGL programming, allowing developers to create complex 3D scenes with ease.


  3. Babylon.js: Similar to Three.js, Babylon.js is a powerful 3D engine that makes it easier to create 3D games in the browser. It has support for physics, shaders, and other advanced graphics features.


  4. PlayCanvas: PlayCanvas is a cloud-hosted game engine that focuses on creating both 2D and 3D games that can run directly in the browser. It offers a visual editor and a scripting interface for game logic.


  5. Cocos2d-js: Cocos2d-js is an open-source framework that allows you to create games that run across different platforms including web, mobile, and desktop. It supports both 2D and 3D game development.


  6. p5.js: p5.js is a creative coding library that's suitable for artists and designers interested in creating interactive experiences, including games. It simplifies the process of creating visual and interactive content.


  7. GDevelop: GDevelop is a game development platform that uses visual scripting, making it accessible to non-programmers. It's suitable for 2D game creation and can export games for the web and other platforms.
