50 Entities Commonly used HTML

 List of the 50 most commonly used HTML entities along with their representations and descriptions:

&lt;<Less-than symbol
&gt;>Greater-than symbol
&amp;&Ampersand symbol
&quot;"Double quotation mark
&apos;'Apostrophe (single quotation mark)
&nbsp;SpaceNon-breaking space (maintains spacing)
&copy;©Copyright symbol
&reg;®Registered trademark symbol
&trade;Trademark symbol
&eacute;éLetter e with acute accent
&ouml;öLetter o with umlaut
&Agrave;ÀCapital letter A with grave accent
&Egrave;ÈCapital letter E with grave accent
&Igrave;ÌCapital letter I with grave accent
&Ograve;ÒCapital letter O with grave accent
&Ugrave;ÙCapital letter U with grave accent
&agrave;àSmall letter a with grave accent
&egrave;èSmall letter e with grave accent
&igrave;ìSmall letter i with grave accent
&ograve;òSmall letter o with grave accent
&ugrave;ùSmall letter u with grave accent
&Acirc;ÂCapital letter A with circumflex accent
&Ecirc;ÊCapital letter E with circumflex accent
&Icirc;ÎCapital letter I with circumflex accent
&Ocirc;ÔCapital letter O with circumflex accent
&Ucirc;ÛCapital letter U with circumflex accent
&acirc;âSmall letter a with circumflex accent
&ecirc;êSmall letter e with circumflex accent
&icirc;îSmall letter i with circumflex accent
&ocirc;ôSmall letter o with circumflex accent
&ucirc;ûSmall letter u with circumflex accent
&Auml;ÄCapital letter A with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Euml;ËCapital letter E with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Iuml;ÏCapital letter I with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Ouml;ÖCapital letter O with diaeresis (umlaut)
&Uuml;ÜCapital letter U with diaeresis (umlaut)
&auml;äSmall letter a with diaeresis (umlaut)
&euml;ëSmall letter e with diaeresis (umlaut)
&iuml;ïSmall letter i with diaeresis (umlaut)
&ouml;öSmall letter o with diaeresis (umlaut)
&uuml;üSmall letter u with diaeresis (umlaut)
&cent;¢Cent symbol
&pound;£Pound sterling symbol
&yen;¥Yen symbol
&euro;Euro symbol
&laquo;«Left-pointing double angle quotation mark
&raquo;»Right-pointing double angle quotation mark
&lsquo;Left single quotation mark
&rsquo;Right single quotation mark
&ldquo;Left double quotation mark
&rdquo;Right double quotation mark
&mdash;Em dash (long dash)
&ndash;En dash (short dash)